Who loves to cook with fresh herbs? I do!
We have a lovely herb garden which includes a couple of small bay trees. Bay is great used in casseroles and sauces, but we use it finely chopped and mixed with dijon mustard for a great rub.
Mediterranean herbs seem to grow best for us, probably because the soil is so poor! So rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram and mint all grow quite happily. We have several types of mint too which we have planted around the chickens. It’s supposed to deter rodents. Fingers crossed about that! Nothing beats cooking new potatoes in the summer with a sprig of mint.
The more delicate herbs such as basil, parsley and coriander have all died off in the garden. To make use of these all year round, especially parsley and coriander, I chop them up and freeze them. They are great to add to lots of recipes and you’d really not know they weren’t fresh.